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Creative team:

Ruby Frances Jones (Choreographer) 

Monika Dalach Sayers (Composer & Sound Designer)

Elisa Mozzanica, Ryan Taylor (Dancers) 


Inspired by the opposing physical features of the human body and equivalent mechanical creatures, the work puts focus on the concept of malfunctioning bodies. The music composed for the project combines sounds made by human beings merged with evolving and constantly changing contemporary electronic textures. The idea of the mind and body being disconnected became important during the creation process. The bodies in malfunction (h2t) are not functioning as human entities,  they are malfunctioning bodies, making them inhuman. The music progresses parallel to the movement, where two entities are formed from a tiny finger to a fully form one body, then they separate into two independent bodies as cells do.


distortion: a cell dividing
seek. struggle. vibrate. hesitate. contort. grovel. malfunction. 

in h a l e  
e x h a l e


distortion: a becoming

we are other.​


Malfunction (head2toe) premiered in December 2016 at The Robin Howard Theatre (The Place) in London, United Kingdom.​


Watch malfunction (h2t) here:





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